the grassroots party
This Justice For All Party is building from the grassroots level up.
The 2024 general election results prove We The People are tired of the same status quo politics.
The solution is... The People must come together to make Our Voices heard AND insist Our Issues are addressed.
Join us in boycotting industry and businesses that are not owned or directly contributing to the communities they operate in.
The Duopoly is funded and steered by corporate donations. Nothing else really matters to them.
Don't Buy at big box stores like Walmart, Sam's Club, Costco, Target, and Amazon. If foreign national businesses are operating in your neighborhood with consistent reports of customer abuses; refusing to give back to the community; DO NOT BUY there on Wednesdays... or stop all together if you can. See more on the topic there...
First of all, DO NOT DONATE TO THE NATIONAL JUSTICE FOR ALL PARTY. It has been a grift since the Cornel West 2024 campaign and we are going to tell how and why. Notice on their website https://justiceforall.us/ this information: "The Justice Service Committee (JSC) is an unincorporated nonprofit association established in Colorado and operating as the national committee for the Justice For All political party. " THIS IS NOT WHAT WAS PROMISED TO CORNEL WEST VOLUNTEERS! THIS IS NOT A NEW MINOR POLITICAL COMMITTEE OR PARTY.
One thing to know about this new National Justice For All Party is there is no intent for justice for all. This new grift to get donations is being organized by settler colonist mindsets of the failed People's Party. See what Wikipedia says about them and watch these two videos:
This sister explains how leadership at The People's Party purposely dis-organized and treated volunteers badly. Most of all the AfroAmericans were kicked out.
The same happens in this meeting. Obstructionist purposely give the sister a hard time... preventing any progress. Note these obstructionist come from the People's Party as did Dr. West.
This group of obstructionist have no business participating on a steering committee that should be dedicated for people outside their community!
Bring your activism for
Human Rights and Self Determination
Elections Integrity
Fair Labor Laws
Public Safety over Militarized Policing
US Constitution Rights
Working Class Economic Empowerment
to Justice For All Party Grassroots.
Together we create a political force
that can not be ignored.
that can not be ignored.